Sunday, June 21, 2015

I'm Back!

Yo Peeps,
I'm back!
I know I haven't blogged for a while, but today is just a braces update!
I have currently had my braces for 13 months and 1 day, and I'm getting them off in approx. 5 months!
I just wanted to talk about this blog.
This is meant for people who are getting braces and want to understand what's happening.
I know I asked a lot of questions like...

  • Will it hurt?
  • What's happening to me?

  • Will it ever end?
Don't worry, I'm here for you.
If you EVER have a question ask me in the comments or your orthodontist at your next appointment.
Even if you don't have braces, I'm here.

Remember, this blog is about MY journey with braces and YOUR questions.

Comment away,
The Braces Blogger

Monday, June 2, 2014

Pictures, Pictures, Pictures!!!!

Hey y'all, this post is going to be just some photos and descriptions.
This is the color palette that I got at the dentist. Comment what you like the best!

Diagram of the mouth with braces! You never have all of these components at once.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Braces Pain

Right after you get your braces, you may experiences some pain. For some people the pain is severe, and for others very mild. This is MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. I am not a medical professional and cannot guarantee that EVERYONE will feel this kind of pain. Thank you for understanding.

To document my pain, I have decided to make a pain chart. This chart spans over about 7-10 days and just tells things about the pain I experienced. 

All pain levels are out of ten, and the pain kinds are annoying, achy and sore, terrible, and just annoying. I will also be listing my mood for every day(s)

Day One:   

  • Pain- 2/10
  • Type of Pain- just annoying
  • Mood- Happy
Day Two, Three, Four, Five, Six
  • Pain- varying from 4/10 to 7/10
  • Type of Pain- achy and sore, terrible
  • Mood- angry, grumpy
Day Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten
  • Pain- varying from 4/10 to 6/10
  • Type of Pain- annoying, achy and sore
  • Mood- extremely grumpy
Thank you for reading. Also, in the spirit of pain here are some products that help
Make sure to buy these products and have a nice day!
-The Braces Blogger

My First Blog

There are many reasons I started this blog. One is that I wanted to share my experiences with those who have had, have, or are getting braces. I wanted to share things like when I feel pain, how to brush your teeth, and what elastic colors to get or not to get. Please request a blog in the comments. I will try to post a new blog every week, but no promises. Today
 I am going to talk about the process of getting braces.

When you get braces the first thing they ask you to do is brush your teeth. After that, they put cheek stretchers on you. They do that so it is easy to place the brackets on your teeth. Then they throughly clean your teeth with dome sort of "shampoo" and "conditioner" (not real shampoo and conditioner). Then they start to place the put glue and your teeth. After that they take the first bracket and stick it on. 

When they finish with the brackets, they measure the wire length. Then they loop on the elastics and release your cheek stretchers. You feel awkward and don't know what in the world is happening. Then you get to go home and enjoy your braces!

Please comment any requests and have a nice day! :)